2022. jún 09.

Dance in All Shapes and Forms

írta: Ittvagyoka
Dance in All Shapes and Forms

A few more days before the 17th Hungarian Dance Festival begins! Meanwhile, in the middle of packing and preparing for my trip to Győr, I went through the programme and now I am sharing the reasons why I am looking forward to it so much. This year three festivals to offer programmes for all…

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2021. jún 21.

Győr 750

írta: Ittvagyoka
Győr 750

Celebrating The Hungarian Capital City of Dance

Győr, this beautiful baroque jewellery box, celebrates the 750th anniversary of its city charter this year. The last two nights of the 16th Hungarian Dance Festival were dedicated to the anniversary. On Saturday the Hungarian amateur folk dance movement greeted the city, the heroic health care…

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2021. jún 18.

Becoming A Child Again

írta: Ittvagyoka
Becoming A Child Again

6th Children’s Dance Festival, 15-17 June

I am not sure who was more excited, the children in the auditorium or me right before the opening of the 6th Children’s Dance Festival. I guess it was actually me. :) I had at least two good reasons to be thrilled. Firstly, I haven’t seen live dance shows for quite a while, secondly, the fact that…

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