2022. jún 18.

Mission and Community

írta: Ittvagyoka
Mission and Community

Day 5 started with the Hungarian Academy of Arts Day, held at the Museum House, presenting the achievements of the scholarship programme in the Section of Theatre Arts. 


After last year’s presentation, I was very much looking forward to this event and to listening to all the successful programmes and exciting research results. This year there were ten scholarship holders in their final year, who didn't only share their results through presentations but also through videos, photos and live performances. We learnt about poetry, mime, contemporary dance, art education and thrilling new dramas. 

The scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Arts and these dedicated people have really important missions, adding tremendous knowledge to the culture in Hungary and beyond borders.

Don’ Hurt Me! by Ballet Company of Győr, about domestic violence, also completes a very important mission. You can read about the production, presented at the miniFestival, in more detail here: In Demons' Embrace - Itt vagyok a Magyar Táncfesztiválon... (blog.hu)

The Main Stage hosted Finding What's Long Been Lost - Ode to The Songbird, a performance by the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble, which was based on the novel of Hungarian writer, Áron Tamási. The piece, translated into modern language and era, demonstrates how traditional and modern can walk hand in hand – in dance, music and design. A part of the dancers wear traditional outfits, the others are in contemporary clothes such as denim jackets and t-shirts.


The dialogues are spoken in today’s language while the lines of Shakespeare are also performed along with Hungarian poems. The duality of old and new is represented in set design too by old furniture pieces and projected pictures. Naturally in the choreography, tradition and modern are embracing each other. In this contrast, a touching story that proves that true love conquers all unfolds. True love that fights with malice, jealousy and ravens, symbolising women bitter in love.

The harmony of old and new, tradition and modern was also in the centre of Agora I. by Gangaray Dance Theatre. József Hámor’s choreography and music plus the six female dancers evoke times when we were in harmony with nature. When rituals were important parts of our everyday lives, and when women created true community without being rivals.


It is almost a goddess quality from which one or two dancers exit only to return to unity. As I was being rocked by the cricket chirping, the shamanic music and the choreography’s rhythm, I found myself in proper meditation.

On the open-air stage, Grácia, one of the main hubs of amateur dance in Győr, celebrated its 30th anniversary.


The diverse programme, presenting show dance, jazz, modern and contemporary dance, also represented dance as the power of creating community.

Photos by Béla Szabó


Szólj hozzá
